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Discussions on free will (Read 2.037 times)
YaBB Administrator
Seeing is believing. I
Posts: 1.204
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Discussions on free will
Feb 23
, 2021 at 6:15am
Hi brahbata,
now I have taken a whole day to read the many texts of your homepage and I am really very impressed.
You combine Buddhism, New Age, reincarnation theory, conspiracy theories, ufology, spiritualism and who knows what else, to your own world view. Pretty similar, I have also made it and makes it probably every curious seeker. In order not to talk around for a long time, the whole gives already a relatively round picture, only one I have not understood now yet. Do you now assume a free will of the human being or not. On the one hand you recognize a determinacy of everything existing, which would include then also all produced thoughts and human intentions, on the other hand you mention repeatedly the free will of an individual soul. I would be very pleased about an answer.
Many cosmogalactic greetings,
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ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
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YaBB Administrator
Seeing is believing. I
Posts: 1.204
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Re: Discussions on free will
Reply #1 -
Mar 12
, 2021 at 10:46am
Hello dear Thomm
welcome to the spirits-forum!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your benevolent lines, I am *very* happy that you like my offer a little bit and I would like to answer your question concerning my view on the determinacy of man.
First: At the present moment there is an interesting program on TV (3sat, „Sternstunden der Philosophie“, finest hours of philosophy), with the brain and consciousness researcher Gerhard Roth. He explains in that conversation the biochemical/electrical connections with the formation of the will of the human being and comes - in view of his studies of many years in the area of the consciousness research - to the clear result that the human being does NOT have a free will.
Well - I speak on Aquarius on the one hand the free will and on the other hand I assume a determinate of all existence - thus very contradictory statements.
I explain it to myself at present by means of an example: For me the journey of life is analogous to an interactive CD Rom. If one stands in front of three cave entrances in an interactive game, for example, one can individually and apparently freely choose WHICH of the entrances one enters - but the general decision to have to go into one of these entrances is conditional and predetermined. And so it behaves - according to my experience - also in our lives.
As manu says in the "little fool":
"The path to truth is forked; you must be able to see the forks in order to then tread them. THIS ALONE YOU HAVE TO DECIDE, and choosing the right path is not easy for you."
According to my experience life forms itself according to a plan and this furthermore conditions the givenness of all things. And therefore I see the freedom of the beings in that "inner relationship" seen as only apparently given; We experience for us perceived freedom of the choice - which nevertheless, if one follows current scientific realizations, only a construct of our brain represents. Physio- and neurobiological explanations include the idea that consciousness, perception and experience are unfree events and that we merely delude ourselves of our experience of freedom of will. However; there will be a concrete evolutionary advantage of this experience of REALITY, otherwise we would not have acquired this ability.
From the religious point of view, the monotheistic thoughts concerning the freedom of the will and the choice differ clearly and contrary from those thoughts of the all-embracing conditionalism of the religions of the eternal world law (Buddhism, Hinduism).
I recognize - according to my present state of consciousness (and this changes as is known in every moment) - on the meta level not as free, i.e. independent, but as led. Nevertheless, my brain makes me believe in freedom in my everyday experience. And somehow I enjoy this feeling...
But I have not yet come to a final result with the clarification of this question and to find an answer, needs certainly still time...
Nevertheless, I hope that my lines could say something to you -
Greetings and Peace
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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
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Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
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YaBB Administrator
Seeing is believing. I
Posts: 1.204
In Space and Time.
Re: Discussions on free will
Reply #2 -
Mar 12
, 2021 at 10:46am
Hi brahbata,
I was very pleased with the prompt reply.
All right, so you let the contradiction continue. But why can't you acknowledge that in your example with the three cave entrances, the decision which of the three entrances you take is also predetermined by the causality of everything that exists?
But apparently you would like to preserve a little bit of free will after all, right?
Many greetings,
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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.
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YaBB Administrator
Seeing is believing. I
Posts: 1.204
In Space and Time.
Re: Discussions on free will
Reply #3 -
Mar 12
, 2021 at 10:47am
Hello dear Thomm
well – sure, I still want to keep me a bit of free will
! At least, as far as my individual impression of it is concerned...
Seriously - YOU are of course, with logically detailed examination of the facts, right with your words that even the alleged choice possibility of the cave entrances is predetermined. But what I mean and actually wanted to express, is that that choice possibility in our experience as seemingly free decision is fooled and we may believe consequently, our thinking, feeling and acting is free.
The little light, which I believe to see, pushes me again and again to the realization that we are led and our acting - exactly in this way and not differently - is all too known on a "higher" level. Only our dullness in recognizing the truth makes us believe that we would be free and independent. In this reflection, however, we may still not make the - obvious and often conditioned - step of the valuation, and think that that unfreedom is something negative. "Guided" or "controlled" would be pronounced valuations of the basic state of unfreedom in the metaphysical sense and thus, as a purely human judgment, condition suffering in the face of that state....
So may we all be free to recognize our unfreedom
In this sense
Greetings and Peace
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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.
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YaBB Administrator
Seeing is believing. I
Posts: 1.204
In Space and Time.
Re: Discussions on free will
Reply #4 -
Mar 12
, 2021 at 10:48am
Hi brahbata,
after your last Posting the following thoughts go me now by the head and/or are sent by the head and/or arrive into my consciousness:
But now he has written it again very clearly. "So may we all be free to recognize our bondage
..." Beautifully, in such a way I see it also.
But doesn't he then have to correct the contradictory text passages on his homepage? I will observe that in any case for a few months. But I guess he won't change anything in the texts.
Why not?
Well, because that would probably be technically quite complex and besides, he would actually have to change everything.
Why is that?
Well, because the original indecision between "free will of individual beings" and "everything is cause and effect and has its origin in God" has finally permeated every text or has affected all his texts.
Oh, let it be. His homepage is nevertheless very entertaining and stimulating. He seemingly smokes just sometimes pot with pleasure and then he must get rid of his "truths" nevertheless also.
Should everyone be allowed to offer his ufovisions and conspiracy fears simply declared as truth?
Sure, why not? The intention behind it seems to be to give new thought impulses, to point to the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors etc. and to put at all times the own world view to the discussion. That the objective truth none of us knows is clear.
O.k., then we thank for the humorous suggestions and wish him still many small enlightenments.
Yes, but he should always remember never to spread fears about the future, but to always look at all things positively. ( In case the joint was not so good, he is welcome to keep his horror visions of people being harvested by greys or the like to himself.
So brahbata, whether you want to respond to this again I do not know, but would be happy,
Many greetings and ....all is well !
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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.
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YaBB Administrator
Seeing is believing. I
Posts: 1.204
In Space and Time.
Re: Discussions on free will
Reply #5 -
Mar 12
, 2021 at 10:48am
Hi brahbata,
you can be glad that I have not read this article before..... and that I have never seen "X-Files" on TV
And I thought you were serious in parts.... hihi
If you want to integrate a link-list on your homepage later, I would recommend you to include the text. It would look somehow more serious.
But for fun I already posted it at >> Conspiracy <<...
All is well !!!
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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.
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YaBB Administrator
Seeing is believing. I
Posts: 1.204
In Space and Time.
Re: Discussions on free will
Reply #6 -
Mar 12
, 2021 at 10:49am
Hello dear Thomm,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your many postings (to the one in the conspiracy forum I still answer later...).
You mean, I may correct the many text passages on my HP concerning the freedom of the will, since I have made now a clear contrary statement. To this I would like to say to you that not all texts have originated at the same time. Those text passages which refer to the freedom of the will are generally older views of me. And I change my view of the things of this world constantly, since always new information approaches to my spirit which it - so I find - is to be considered in each case.
Nevertheless: If I say e.g. in the text "Grays" that Grays "fear" our free will, then I make this statement in the context that those Grays who are here think collectivistically. This means, each individual acts according to the measure of his species in its wholeness - and this ain't so with the people of this earth. For this reason we appear for those grays mostly - also in our controllability - rather unpredictable, and this I see as expression of the free will which I address in this text.
So I have long considered (already some time ago) whether I should adapt those passages to my present thinking. I did and do not do this, however, because every view has its justification at every time and I generally understand my pages as suggestions to switch on the OWN common sense. If you read through the older postings in the forums (and look at the texts on Aquarius), you will realize that I just ask you to think for yourself and not to take over the opinion of another (also and especially mine) without reflection.
Your entertaining question-answer-posting raises the thought, I may - if it was not so nice with smoking pot - keep my views to myself. Well - I'm happy to tell you, only one text was written under the effect of a hallucinogenic substance - and this already in 1994 (the little fool). Generally I smoke for many years just one or two joints a year, which is too little to be seriously psychotic and too much to remain indifferent
I know about the generally possible rejection of my words and I don't worry about it, because in ALL texts I strive to convey my thinking and my world view. And this means: I am at least honest to myself. Whether others may share or reject my thoughts is not my concern; it is a matter of everyone thinking FOR THEMSELVES and developing their own view. As the Arabic saying goes in "sayings", "If you want to change your country, .... change yourself."
And as for your possible doubt and general skepticism about the truth of extraterrestrial life on planet Earth, I also cannot give you MY certainty, which YOU can only realize FOR YOURSELF. But I tell you gladly: I have met many extraterrestrials and stand in contact with some being which does not come from here (let alone is native in our "dimension") and get thereby a lot for my spirit mediated. To believe these words may be difficult for you, because why should you trust my words gullibly just like that? Therefore and just e.g. the text "Grays" or the text "Telepathy" is a suggestion to go on your own journey - because we mostly believe in ourselves and the experiences which we have made ourselves. So I ask you from the bottom of my heart: Be free (hihi, "free" again) to believe what YOU want and maybe realize that your consciousness can drive your mind to recognize or to delude.
I am curious about your answer
Greetings & Peace
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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.
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YaBB Administrator
Seeing is believing. I
Posts: 1.204
In Space and Time.
Re: Discussions on free will
Reply #7 -
Mar 12
, 2021 at 10:50am
Hello you two
just newly landed on this HP I am just working my way through all the texts (*puhh*).
To your discussion about the free will I just spontaneously thought of Schopenhauer's word "Man can do what he wants, but he can not want what he wants!
For me the question arises, if it is about the free will, what exactly the actual will is?
It is divided into the deepest inner will, which may mean power or world peace for some, and into will, which I will call desire, that is superficial, spontaneous, changeable will.
If I am now unfree to follow my (supposed) will, the question arises again, what it is that prevents me now and leads me to question the (supposed) will.
How do you see that, do you question your perception of "free" and "will" also in this way?
Greetings from the realm of shadows
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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.
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YaBB Administrator
Seeing is believing. I
Posts: 1.204
In Space and Time.
Re: Discussions on free will
Reply #8 -
Mar 12
, 2021 at 10:51am
Hello dear Natz,
welcome to the Spirits-forum
Puuh - you ask questions, hihi...
Well, I haven't thought about this question for a very long time and therefore I can only answer you from my gut. And there I am never so sure whether this is then probably "right" ??
For me will arises in the form of an emotion, which has a certain goal to reach to the purpose, causally (I believe at least at the moment) out of our perception (NOT sense perception about sense organs, but in our actual spirit being). And our perceptions, on the other hand, in turn determine this very perception. So there must be a cause for the will beyond the own experiences - the will arises therefore already before we step into the life (and is therefore also responsible for the fact that we are born at all). I mean in any case only so spontaneously at the moment and want to think about it gladly still longer in the next days, since I find the thought very interesting. So please don't take my short "plugging" for real coin, let alone for (even just) a reasonably clear intermediate result. I'd like to think it through again....
But maybe YOU can help us ??? I am curious about your answer,
Greetings & Peace
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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.
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YaBB Administrator
Seeing is believing. I
Posts: 1.204
In Space and Time.
Re: Discussions on free will
Reply #9 -
Mar 12
, 2021 at 10:52am
Hello Brahbata
yes, it is really a very complex philosophical subject *g* (my passion, the philosophy)
and yet I think that it is indispensable to become aware of such things to be able to work magically.
My favorite topic of magic is the shadow work, which has a lot to do with prevention/blockages.
Now I am unfortunately on vacation for 2 weeks, but I would like to talk with you about it afterwards, because I find it very valuable to discuss as many different thoughts on a topic as possible.
I wish you a sunny time inside and outside in the meantime.
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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.
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YaBB Administrator
Seeing is believing. I
Posts: 1.204
In Space and Time.
Re: Discussions on free will
Reply #10 -
Mar 12
, 2021 at 10:52am
Hello dear Natz ...
Well - then only times n'en beautiful vacation you …
I'm looking forward to the fact that we - when YOU are back again - can continue to talk.
Greetings & Peace
Back to top
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.
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YaBB Administrator
Seeing is believing. I
Posts: 1.204
In Space and Time.
Re: Discussions on free will
Reply #11 -
Mar 12
, 2021 at 11:05am
Hi @ll
this text was the matter of discussion up here:
Kind Regards,
Back to top
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
Life is a videogame. Reality is a playground. It's all about experience and self-expression.
ZEN is: JOYFULLY walking on a never-ending path that doesn't exist.
They tried to bury us. What they didn't know - we were seeds.
Ideally, we get humble when we travel the Cosmos.
After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.
Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.
Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.
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