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crack in the bowl... (Read 313 times)
YaBB Administrator

Seeing is believing. I

Posts: 1.204
In Space and Time.
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crack in the bowl...
Feb 23rd, 2021 at 5:34am

crack in the bowl...

nce upon a time there was an old Chinese woman who had two large bowls hanging from the ends of a pole she carried over her shoulders.

One of the bowls had a crack in it, while the other was spotless and always held a full portion of water. However, at the end of the long walk from the river to the old woman's house, the other bowl was always only half full.

For two years this happened every day: the old woman always brought home only one and a half bowls of water. The immaculate bowl was, of course, very proud of her accomplishment, but the poor bowl with the crack was ashamed of her flaw and saddened that she could only do half of what she had been made to do.

After two years, which seemed to her like an endless failure, the bowl said to the old woman, "I am so ashamed of my crack, from which water always runs all the way to your house.

The old woman smiled. Have you noticed that flowers bloom on your side of the path, but not on the other bowl's side?

I sowed flower seeds on your side of the path because I was aware of your mistake. Now you water them every day when we walk home. For two years I could pick those beautiful flowers and decorate the table with them. If you weren't exactly who you are, this beauty wouldn't exist and grace our home.

We each have our own unique quirks and flaws, but it is the quirks and leaps that make our lives so interesting and worthwhile. You should just take each person as they are and see the good in them.

So, to all my cracked friends, have a wonderful day and don't forget to enjoy the scent of the flowers on your side of the path! Smiley

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