Scheduled speech by J.F.K.
Namasté and hello everyone !
This speech was scheduled by J.F. Kennedy for 11/22/1963 -.
how *peculiar* that this was also the day of his death....
If it *sounds* right to you, I would be very happy if you could spread it further....
light, love & united greetings sends
s'I AM
Citizens of this earth: we are not alone. God in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to populate His universe with more beings - intelligent creatures like us. How can I state this with such authority?
In 1947, in the arid New Mexico desert, our military forces rescued the remains of a crashed spacecraft of unknown origin. Science soon determined that this vehicle came from more distant outer space. Since that time, our government has maintained contact with the builders of this spacecraft. Although this news may seem fantastic - and indeed startling - I ask you not to take it with unnecessary fear or pessimism. I assure you, as President, that these beings mean us no harm. Rather, they promise to help our nation overcome the common enemies of all mankind: Tyranny, poverty, disease, war. We have decided that they are not enemies, but friends. Together with them, we can create a better world. While I cannot promise you that there will be no more stumbling blocks or missteps on the future path. But I believe that we have found the true destiny of the peoples of this great land: To lead the world into a glorious future. In the days, weeks and months ahead, you will learn more about these visitors, why they are here, and why our leaders have kept their presence secret from you for so long. I ask you to look to the future not with timidity, but with courage. For in our time we can achieve the ancient vision of peace and prosperity for all mankind on earth.
God bless you!
(taken from the book *Aquaria - the goddess returns* by Brigitte Jost)