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On to Shambala... (Read 185 times)
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On to Shambala...
Feb 23rd, 2021 at 4:58am

On to Shambala...

From Hotevilla, Arizona, of the Hopi Nation, Chief Dan Evehema, one of the Eldest Elders, speaks in his message to humanity:

I am very happy to have this time to send you a message. We are currently celebrating a period in history that is filled with joy and also with sadness. I am very pleased that our Hindu brothers have given us this opportunity to share these feelings with you, as we know that many of you have the same problems.

We Hopi believe that the human species has passed through three different worlds and lives since the beginning. At the end of each previous world, human life was purified or punished by the Great Spirit mainly because of corruption, greed and turning away from the teachings of the Great Spirit. The last great destruction was the flood that destroyed all but the faithful who asked for and received permission to live with Him on this new land. The Great Spirit said, "It is up to you if you are willing to live my poor, humble and simple way of life. It is hard, but if you agree to live according to my teachings and instructions; if you never lose faith in life as I will give it to you, you can come and live with me. The Hopi and all who were spared by the great flood made a sacred covenant with the Great Spirit at that time. We Hopi made an oath that we would never turn away from Him. For us, the laws of the Creator have never changed or broken down. For the Hopi, the Great Spirit possesses all power. He appeared to the first humans as one man and spoke to them at the beginning of the creation of the world. He showed us how to live, how to pray, where to go and what food to get, and gave us seeds to plant and harvest. He gave us a number of sacred stone tablets into which he breathed all the teachings to protect his land and life. Instructions and prophecies and warnings were incorporated into these stone tablets. This was done with the help of a spider woman and her two grandsons. They were wise and powerful helpers of the Great Spirit. Before the Great Spirit hid again, He and the Spider Woman showed the different groups of people different types of corn in color and size from each other so that they could choose their food in this world. The Hopi were last in line to take and choose their food in this world. The Hopi then chose the smallest corn cob. Then Massauu said, "You have shown me that you are wise and humble. For this reason you are called Hopi (people of peace), and I will give all land and life into your care to guard, protect and hold in trust for Me until I return to you in the last days, for I am the first and the last.

For this reason, when a Hopi is initiated into the higher religious order, the earth and all living things are given into his hands. He becomes a parent to all life on earth. He is authorized to counsel and correct his children in every peaceful way possible. Therefore, we will never be able to give up hope that our message of peace will reach our children. Because, together with the other spiritual leaders, we carry the destiny of our future children.

We are instructed to keep this world in balance with the land and the many universes through special prayers and rituals that will continue until that day. The sacred stone tablets were given to the two grandsons of the Spider Woman. These two brothers were then instructed to take them to a place designated by the Great Spirit. The elder brother was to go immediately to the east, to the rising sun, and as soon as he reached it, he was to begin immediately to look for his younger brother, who was to remain behind in the land of the Great Spirit.

The task of the elder brother on his return was to help his younger brother (Hopi) bring about (realize) peace, brotherhood and everlasting life. The younger Hopi brother was instructed to cover and mark the entire land with footprints and sacred markers for the Creator and peace on earth.

We built our ceremonial and sacred shrines to keep this world in balance in accordance with our first promise to the Creator. Thus goes our migratory history until we met the Creator at Old Oraibi (Place of Consolidation) over a thousand years ago. It was at that meeting that He gave us these prophecies to hand over to you at the end of the Fourth World of Destruction and the beginning of the Fifth World of Peace. He gave us many prophecies to pass on to you, and all of them have already come to pass. Therefore, we know that now is the time to reveal the final warnings and instructions to humanity.

We have been instructed to settle permanently here in Hopiland, where we met the Great Spirit, and wait for the return of Elder Brother, who went to the East. When he returns to this land, he will place his stone tablets side by side to show the world that they are our true brothers.

When there are the roads in the sky and when something is invented which, as we Hopi say, is a gourd full of ashes, a gourd which when thrown on the earth will scorch everything in a wide radius and where nothing will grow for a long time.

If the leaders embrace the bad instead of the Great Spirit, we were told, there would be many ways in which this life could be destroyed.

If humanity does not heed our prophecies and return to their original spiritual instructions.

We were told of three helpers assigned by the Great Spirit to help the Hopi realize the peaceful life on earth, who would show up to help us, and we should not change our homes, or our ceremonies, or our hairstyles, because the true helpers might not recognize us as the true Hopi. That is why we have waited all these years.

It is known that our True White Brother will be very strong and will wear a red cap or cloak when he comes. He will be very numerous and will not belong to any religion other than his own. He will bring with him the sacred stone tablets. With him will be two very wise and strong persons.

One will have a symbol or sign of the swastika, which represents purity and is female, a bringer of life.

The third or the second of the two helpers of our True White Brother will have the sign of the sun symbol.

He will also be numerous and very wise and strong. In our sacred Katchina ceremonies, we have a gourd rattle with these symbols of these powerful helpers of our True Brother, which is still in use.

It is also said that if these three fail with the fulfillment of their mission, that then the one from the West will come like a great storm. It will be numerous and merciless. When he comes, he will cover the land like the red ants and take the land in one day.

If the three helpers chosen by the Creator fulfill their sacred mission, and if then even one, two or three of the true Hopi remain, holding to the last ancient teaching and instructions, then the Great Spirit, Massauu, will appear before all and our world will be saved. The three will spread a new plan of life that will lead to everlasting life and peace. The earth will become new again as it was in the beginning. Flowers will bloom again, releasing animals will return to barren land, and there will be food in abundance for all. The survivors will distribute everything equally, and they will all recognize the Great Spirit and speak one language.

We are now facing great problems, not only here but throughout the country. Ancient cultures are being destroyed. Our people's land is being taken away from them, and they are left with no place to call their own. Why is this happening?

It is happening because many have abandoned or manipulated their original spiritual teachings. The way of life given by the Great Spirit for all the people of this world, whatever the original instructions, are not respected. It is because of this great disease called greed that is afflicting every country and area, so that ordinary people are losing what they have preserved for thousands of years. Now we are very close to the end of our path. Many people no longer recognize the true path of the Great Spirit. In fact, they have no respect for the Great Spirit or for our precious Mother Earth, who gives us all life.

We were told that someone would try to go to the moon; that they would try to bring something back from the moon; and that after that nature would show signs of losing its balance. Now we see this coming true. All over the earth there are signs that nature is no longer in balance. Floods, droughts, earthquakes and great storms are coming up and bringing great suffering. We do not want this to happen in our area and we pray to the Great Spirit to save us from such things. But now there are signs that this very thing could happen soon on our land. Now we have to stand by each other like brothers and sisters. There is no more time for disunity among people.

Today I appeal to everyone here from home in Hotevilla, where we too are guilty of gossip and causing divisions even in our own families; out to the whole world where theft, war and lies are daily occurrences. These divisions will not be our salvation. Wars only bring more wars, but not peace. Only by joining together in a spiritual peace and feeling love for each other in our hearts, love in our hearts for the Great Spirit and for Mother Earth, will we be saved at the terrible day of purification that is not far away. There are many of you in the world who are sincere. Spiritually, we know you because we are the Men`s Society Grandfathers who have been assigned to pray for you and all life on earth, forgetting no one and nothing in our ceremonies. We pray to have a good happy life, for much soft pleasant rain for abundant crops. We pray for a balance on earth, for a life in peace and that we leave a beautiful world for the children yet to come.

We know you have good hearts, but good hearts alone cannot help us with these great problems. In the past, some of you have tried to help us Hopis, and we will always be grateful for those efforts.

But now we need your help the most. We want the people of the world to know the truth about our situation. This country that people call the land of freedom celebrates many days to remind the people of the world of these things. Yet real Americans have not seen a day off in over 200 years. We are suffering the supreme insult. Our people are now losing that which gave life and meaning to life - our ceremonial land, now taken from us.

Hotevilla is the last consecrated, undisturbed traditional sacred shrine of Native Americans to the Great Spirit. And as the prophecies say, this sacred shrine must keep its spiritual paths open. This village is the spiritual backbone for the Hopi to lead the many awakening Native Americans and other true hearts back to their own unique culture. Hotevilla was founded by the last remaining spiritual elders to maintain peace and balance on this continent from the southern tip of America up to Alaska. Many of our friends say that Hotevilla is a Sacred Shrine, a national and global treasure, and must be preserved.

We need your help. Where is the freedom for which you all fight and sacrifice your children? Is it just the Indians, or are all Americans also losing the very thing they came here to find? We don't share freedom of the press, because what gets into the newspapers is what the government wants people to believe, not what is really happening. We don't have freedom of speech, because we are persecuted by people of our own people for expressing our beliefs. We are now in the final stages and there is a final force that wants to take away our remaining homeland. We are still being deprived of many things, including the right to be Hopis and to make a living in accordance with our religious teachings.

The hopi leaders have warned the leaders in the White House and the leaders in the Glass House (United Nations building, ed.), but they have not listened. And so, according to our prophecy, it is up to the people with good pure hearts who are not afraid to help us fulfill our destiny for this world in peace. We are now at the crossroads of leading ourselves to everlasting life or total destruction. We believe that the spiritual power of people through prayer is so strong that it decides life on earth. And that is why many people have come to Hopiland to meet us. Some of you we have met in your countries. Many times people have asked us how they can help us. Now I hope and pray that your help will come. If you know a way to spread the truth, through the newspapers, books, by meeting powerful people, tell the truth! Tell them what you know is true. Tell them what you have seen here; what you have heard us tell; what you have seen with your own eyes.

Likewise, if we are defeated, say in the same way that we have tried to hold on to the path of peace until the end, as we were originally instructed by the Great Spirit. Should you truly succeed, we will all realize our past mistakes and return to the true path - living in harmony as brothers and sisters, sharing our mother, the earth, with all other living creatures. In this way, we could bring forth a new world. A world that would be guided by the Great Spirit and our Mother will provide wealth and happiness for all.

God bless you, each and every one of you, and know that our prayers for peace will meet yours at sunrise and sunset. May the Great Spirit guide you safely on the path of love, peace, freedom and of God on this earth mother. Pray to God to give you something significant that you can contribute to the great work that lies before us all to bring about peace on earth.

We Hopi still preserve the sacred stone tablets and now await the arrival of our True White Brother and others who are earnestly willing to work for the Creator's peace on earth. Do well, my children, and think good thoughts of peace and togetherness. Peace for all life on earth and peace with each other in our homes, families and countries. In the eyes of the Creator we are not so different. The same great Father Sun (among the Hopi, as among many peoples, the sun is male. Note) shines his love on each of us daily, just as Mother Earth prepares the food for our table, or is it not so? After all, we are all one.

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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So, I've decided to take my work back on the ground, to stop you falling into the wrong hands.
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After school is over, you are playing in the park.
Although, life is limited - Creation is limitless.

Fuck you Orion, Zetas and your evil allies.

Seeing is believing. I do. *I shape*.
'EARTH' without 'ART' is just 'EH'.
Best viewed with *eyes closed*.
Space. It's The final Frontier.
Real eyes realize real lies.
Creator and Creation.
We are ONE.

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