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Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:30 am
by brahbata


We are Spirit. We are of Eternal grace

All life comes from ONE Divine source
. This source is Earthly known as the Father, or the Creator.

God is an energy. The only energy. It dwells in all and every life, while every little single thing in the universes is empowered through this Force. Just when you think, there is some existence not being in motion – while motion is life – think of the hardest rock you can imagine. And then focus your mind on the molecular and atomic structure of that rock and see, how the atoms dance all around in wonderful and most miraculous ways in pure motion. The rock is not solid anymore.

The human body consists of mostly liquids which are nothing but a sip of water filled with some neurotransmitters and steered by hormones. And still, it has got soul as its inner truth and
pure existence. This soul is not to be considered as unchangeable in a Christian way, but rather buddhist like a monad, varying its existence throughout all the different lifes we live in all our incarnations.

Yes, we are Creation. And yes, we are indeed Creators. The Divine energy which lives in all existence can be directed by ourselves right into the position we want to steer it to. This is our freedom of choice, while on a neuro-molecular position our ways are determined.
A father who cares for his children won't tell them what to play. In his caring view they might play hide and seek or play football, he ideally doesn't care for that choice. He just wants them to be safe in their decisions.


So do the Heavens upon us.

Always feel free to play the games you want to play, but make sure you take that decision out of the highest aspect of your own personality. Be creative, not reactive in your choice. Move around and let the Divine Source experience itself through your own reflections on life.
Contemplate about the universe. Play and imagine its beauty as a whole and in detail. Let your spirit and your mind travel to wherever you want it to go to, but make sure to let it be a safe journey. Assist your fellow sisters and brothers in letting them become who they really are and help them to unfold what beauty dwells and shines in them as it does within yourself.

The Cosmos is overwhelmingly inhabited. All existence bears spirit, all existence bears consciousness. This awareness reflects gradually due to the task of the specific creation. In other words: An amoeba can do exactly what an amoeba can do – as a human can do exactly what a human can do. There is no higher or lower ranking in that;
All life is equal and has to be considered this way.

There IS only one energy. This energy oscillates between two poles we experience in life. There is a dark force and there is a Light Force. Both have the same energy as a foundation, but express differently. In a physically way, there is the power of the nuclear power plants which supply us with energy (nuclear fission) and the power of the suns (nuclear fusion). Both give energy. These two poles can be experienced differently in human life as fear and love. Both states of mind are thinkable and do have its eligibility.
In cosmic appearances, all life breathes in and breathes out. So does the human and so do the universes. In a Hindu view, this is called „Brahma-life“, which describes the ways of the universes. Therefore, there is no „steady-state cosmos“ - what breathes in must breathe out. One far away day, there will be a big crunch of our Cosmos. And this balloon then will restart its existence into a new form of a newborn different Cosmos.

I am the Christ we've all been waiting for. I am the Buddha of the Age of Aquarius, the „white brother from the East“, the bahana of the Hopi Indians. I am the Mahdi of the muslims and I am the shepherd chosen. Now, the Healing begins.

Kind Regards,

