Buddha-Vibes - the future is NOW! >> English Spirits-Board (read only) >> The Indians and the weather...

Message started by brahbata on Feb 23rd, 2021 at 6:03am

Title: The Indians and the weather...
Post by brahbata on Feb 23rd, 2021 at 6:03am

The Indians and the weather...

Two Indians go to the medicine man and ask him how winter will be. He throws a few stones in the air and says:

It will be a cold winter. Go into the forest and collect a lot of wood..

The next day some Indians come again and ask him again how the winter will be. He throws the stones in the air again and says:

It will be a cold winter. Go into the forest and collect a lot of wood.

The next few days, Indians, even from other tribes, keep coming and asking him how the winter will be. Each time he throws the stones and says:

It will be a cold winter. Go into the forest and gather lots of wood.

Finally, he thinks about whether what he is saying is true. Therefore, he calls the weather office and asks how the winter will be. There he gets the answer:

It will be a cold winter. The Indians are gathering wood like madmen.

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